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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy - the basics


Keys2House (our firm, we, our, us) is a data controller in respect of the personal information that it collects and uses about you.

We are a member of Keys2House Ltd and this is a summary of what we, and other companies in the group, do with your information in order to run our business and provide our customers with products and services.

We are committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected, and our use of your personal information is governed by this Privacy Notice.

Any reference to “you” or “your” refers to anyone whose personal information we process.


During the course of dealing with us we will ask you to provide us with personal information relating to you (your information).  Your information means any information describing or relating to you. The information you give us may include but is not limited to:

Personal information: Your name, address, date of birth, e-mail address and telephone number, and information about your property or your personal circumstances as a purchaser, vendor, tenant or landlord.

Property information: If you are selling a property, photos and floorplans of your property. These will normally identify your address.

Payment information: You may be required to provide payment information such as your bank details, we will collect the necessary financial information from you as well as any additional personal information.

We may also obtain some information from third parties, for example, credit checks, information from your employer, and searches of information in the public domain such as the voters roll.


We will only use and share your information where it is necessary for us to lawfully carry out our business activities. Your information may be shared with and processed by our subsidiaries.

We want to ensure that you fully understand how your information may be used. Under data protection legislation we are only permitted to use your information if we have a legal basis for doing so. We rely on the following legal bases to use your information;

  • For employment-related purposes

  • Where we need information to perform the contract we have entered into with you

  • Where we need to comply with a legal obligation

  • Where the processing is necessary for us to carry out activities for which it is in Key2H legitimate interests (or those of a third party) to do so and provided that your interests and fundamental rights do not override those interests, including:

    • Processing that is necessary for us to promote our business, brands and products and measure the reach and effectiveness of our campaigns. – this will include sending you marketing information from time to time after you have engaged us to provide services or received services from us either which may be similar and of interest to you or where you have expressly indicated that you would like to receive such information. You have the right to opt out of receiving this information at any time.

    • Processing that is necessary to improve our knowledge of the real estate sector – this will include undertaking market analysis and research so that we better understand trends in the property sector and provide better knowledge along with more tailored and relevant services for our customers in the future.

    • Processing necessary for us to operate the administrative and technical aspects of our business efficiently and effectively – this will include: verifying the accuracy of information that we hold about you and create a better understanding of you as a customer; processing for administrative efficiency purposes such as where we outsource certain administrative functions to third parties who are specialise in such services; processing for network and information security purposes i.e. in order for us to take steps to protect your information against loss, damage, theft or unauthorised access or to comply with a request from you in connection with the exercise of any of your rights outlined below.

In more limited circumstances we may also rely on the following legal bases:

  • Where we need to protect your interests (or someone else’s interests); and/or

  • Where it is needed in the public interest or for official purposes

Other uses of your information

  • If we sell any part of our business and/or integrate it with another organisation your details may be disclosed to our advisers and to prospective purchasers or joint venture partners and their advisers. If this occurs the new owners of the business will only be permitted to use your information in the same or similar way as set out in this privacy notice.

  • We will share personal information with our regulators, governmental or quasi-governmental organisations, law enforcement authorities and with courts, tribunals and arbitrators as may be required from time to time in order to comply with our regulatory and legal obligations;

  • Where we use third party services providers who process personal information on our behalf in order to provide services to us. This includes IT systems providers and IT contractors as well as third party referencing or screening agencies for the purposes of the prevention and detection of crime.

  • We may share your personal information with any person working within the Keypoint Group on a need to know basis to ensure we are able to perform our obligations to you.

  • We will hold your personal information on our client management systems and use this to provide you with marketing information about similar services offered by the Keypoint Group to those which you have engaged us to provide which we feel you might find useful from time to time. You have the opportunity to opt out of receiving this information at any time.

If you do not provide the information required for these purposes, we will not be able to perform our contract with you and may not be able to provide services to you or continue to provide certain services to you. We will explain when this is the case at the point where we collect information from you.


The security of information is very important to us and we have measures in place which are designed to prevent unauthorised access to your personal information including but not limited to:

  • Our client files are stored on our secure client management systems. Access is restricted on our client systems to those within the business who are required to have access to your information for legitimate business purposes.

  • Hard copy documentation is stored in locked cabinets.

All data is hosted in data centres which have systems and protections in place to protect against both unauthorised access, and other external factors that could cause damage to, your personal data. There are strict access requirements in place and access is restricted to those absolutely necessary.

We ensure access to personal information is restricted to Keypoint Group Ltd employees and workers or other persons working within the Keypoint Group Ltd on a need to know basis. Training is provided to any of those employees and workers who need access to personal information.


You have a number of rights in relation to your personal information, these include the right to:

Access – Obtain access to your personal information that we hold

Rectification – Request that your personal information is corrected if you believe it is incorrect, incomplete or inaccurate

Erasure – Request that we erase your personal information in the following circumstances:

  • If we are continuing to process personal information beyond the period when it is necessary to do so for the purpose for which it was originally collected

  • If we are relying on consent as the legal basis for processing and you withdraw consent

  • If we are relying on legitimate interests as the legal basis for processing and you object to this processing and there is no overriding compelling ground which enables us continue with the processing

  • If the personal information has been processed unlawfully (i.e. in breach of the requirements of the data protection legislation)

  • If it is necessary to delete the personal information to comply with a legal obligation

Restriction – Ask us to restrict our data processing activities where you consider that:

  • personal information is inaccurate

  • our processing of your personal information is unlawful

  • where we no longer need the personal information but you require us to keep it to enable you to establish, exercise or defend a legal claim

  • where you have raised an objection to our use of your personal information

Portability – You may request us to provide your information to a third party, if technically feasible. We’re not responsible for any such third party’s use of your information, which will be governed by their agreement with you and any privacy statement they provide to you.

Objection – Object to our processing of your personal information where we are relying on legitimate interests or exercise of a public interest task to make the processing lawful. If you raise an objection we will carry out an assessment to determine whether we have an overriding legitimate ground which entitles us to continue to process your personal information; and

If you would like to exercise any of your rights, please contact us


From time to time your information will be shared with or transferred to third parties who we believe will be able to assist us with your enquiry or application, or who are able to support your needs as identified.

Such third parties will include but may not be limited to, product specialists (including those within our group of companies), external financial institutions, providers of legal services such as conveyancing and surveyors (in each case where we believe this to be required due to your particular circumstances).

Please note that this sharing of your information does not entitle such third parties to send you marketing or promotional messages: it is shared for the purpose of ensuring we can adequately fulfil our responsibilities to you, and as otherwise set out in this Privacy Notice.


The period for which we will keep your personal information will depend on the type of service you have requested from us. The retention period may be longer than the period for which we are providing services to you where we have statutory or regulatory obligations to retain personal information for a longer period, or where we may need to retain the information in case of a legal claim.


You have the right to ask us not to contact you for marketing purposes at any time, to ‘Opt Out’. We have provided details of how to ‘Opt Out’ below so that you know what to do.

Opting Out means that we will either remove Your Information from our marketing database or limit our contact with you to the means you specify (for example, by email only), but we reserve the right to retain it for any other purpose explained in this Privacy Notice.


If you have any questions or comments about this document, or wish to make contact in order to Opt Out please contact:

Data Management Officer
Keys2House Estate Agents & Properties Limited

If we feel we have a legal right not to deal with your request, or to action it in different way to how you have requested, we will inform you of this at the time.

You should also make contact with us as soon as possible on you becoming aware of any unauthorised disclosure of Your Information, so that we may investigate and fulfil our own regulatory obligations.

If you have any concerns or complaints as to how we have handled Your Information or you may lodge a complaint with the Nigeria’s data protection regulator, the ICO.

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